🤖AI Text-to-Speech

Every chat interaction within Kick can be enhanced using KickBot's AI-powered Text-to-Speech (TTS), enabling viewers and streamers to convert any text into engaging and entertaining audio.

Getting Started

In order to use AI text to speech you will need a KickBot account. If you don't already have a KickBot account you can sign up on kickbot.app. For guidance on how to get set up, follow this guide.

By default, every KickBot user has access to a male and female AI TTS voice. Premium users can enjoy access to 150+ ultra realistic voices of celebrities, characters and even other streamers.

To start, navigate to the "AI TTS" page under "Chat Bot" in the left-hand navigation.

TTS Settings

In this module there are settings which globally apply to TTS.

These settings are:

  • TTS Enabled: Toggles TTS playback on or off, by default this is set to on.

  • Automatic TTS: Reads every message in chat with TTS. This is not affected by cooldowns.

  • Read sender name: Reads the message senders name as well as their message.

  • Delay: Adds a delay between TTS messages.

  • User Cooldown: The minimum amount of time each viewer must wait until they can send a TTS message.

  • Global Cooldown: The minimum amount of time between any TTS message (this applies to viewers, streamers and mods).

  • Max Characters: The maximum length of a TTS message.

  • TTS Volume: The volume of TTS messages.

In addition to the above, there are "chat commands" which can adjust TTS settings while streaming, these commands are:

  • !ttsoff Disables TTS. Any remaining messages in the queue will still be played.

  • !ttson Enables TTS.

  • !ttsclear Clears the queue. This does not stop any active TTS playback.

  • !ttsskip Stops active TTS playback.

  • !ttsvol 0-100 Adjusts the TTS volume. Requires a volume parameter between 0-100.

  • !ttsdelay 0-30 Adjust the TTS delay. Requires seconds parameter between 0-30.

TTS Queue

This queue gives the streamer (or their mods) the ability to preview and skip KickBot TTS messages as needed. The entire queue can be cleared if required, by clicking on the 'Clear Queue' button (which is only present when there are messages in the queue).

TTS Voices


Here you will see a range of TTS voices depending on your KickBot account access, male and female for regular accounts and 150+ for premium accounts. You're able to preview the voice by clicking on 'Listen' and if you like what you hear, simply click 'Add' to enable that TTS voice.

The search function allows you to filter the TTS voices, to help find what you are looking for. In addition to search there is the option to further filter the type of voice through "Categories" (which are all selected by default) and toggle whether you see community made voices or not.

Saved Voices

Added TTS voices will be displayed here, where you have the same options & controls as with the "Explore" tab of searching, filtering, toggling community made voices and - additionally - enabling or disabling all.

There are TTS voice specific settings which can be applied, these are:

  • Enabled: Turns the TTS voice on or off.

  • Command: A customizable command that triggers this TTS voice, the text following the command will be read.

  • Permissions: Define who has access to this TTS voice.

Pro tip - Many streamers who use the AI voices see more paying subscribers (by limiting usage to subs), increased engagement, and increased viewership.

Custom Voices

Create your very own custom TTS voice by uploading a 5 - 10 minute audio sample.

You can have up to 5 custom TTS voices, which have the following requirements:

  • Voice name: This will be displayed in the TTS voice selection menu.

  • Default command: The command defined to trigger the TTS voice.

  • Tags: Categories that represent the TTS voice.

  • Sample audio: Audio the AI TTS is trained from, all audio types are supported, 10mb limit.

  • Voice icon: The icon that will be displayed in the TTS voice selection menu.

Widget URL

In order to enable TTS in your streaming, you need to add a custom URL to as a browser source in your streaming software.

Adding the Browser Source

  1. Copy the widget URL .

  2. Add a browser source to your OBS scene.

  3. Paste the widget URL into the box labeled "URL".

  4. Enable "Control audio via OBS".

  5. Click "OK".

Adding the TTS browser source

Enabling Audio Monitoring

Based on your OBS setup, enabling audio monitoring for the TTS browser source may be necessary. Achieve this through the following steps:

  1. Access the TTS advanced audio properties in the audio mixer (click the 3 dots next to the TTS volume slider).

  2. Set audio monitoring to "Monitor and Output".

  3. (Optional) Go to your OBS settings, go to "Audio", and in the advanced section ensure the monitoring device is set to a device you can hear. The default option is recommended for most users.

Advanced audio properties in OBS

Using the TTS Command

Open your Kick chat and type the command prefix, followed by the text you want to be read aloud. Shortly after, you should hear the message read through OBS.


I cant hear TTS, but I can see the volume bar moving when I use the command.

Ensure that the audio monitoring is set to "Monitor and output". Additionally, in your OBS audio settings make sure the monitoring device is set to a device you can hear. In some cases you may need to set this device to a specific output (such as your headphones).

How can I suggest a new TTS voice?

If there is a voice you would like added feel free to suggest it in our Discord server.

Are there any limits on TTS?

There is no usage limit on the KickBot TTS. All voices can be used an unlimited number of times. This includes all normal and premium voices.

Will this affect my computers performance?

Using KickBot, including our TTS feature, should not impact your computer's performance. This is because KickBot is cloud-based, meaning the TTS messages are not generated by your computer. Instead, the audio is quickly created on our servers and then played through your computer, ensuring your performance and stream quality remain unaffected.

I used to be able to hear TTS but I cant anymore.

Refresh the TTS browser source. Additionally, if you recently made changes to your OBS scene or settings ensure there are no conflicting issues.

What TTS voices are available?

Over 150+ TTS voices are available, below is a full list of officially supported voices:

50 Cent


Adin Ross

Alex Jones

Anderson Cooper

Andrew Tate

Andrew Yang

Anna Kendrick

Ariana Grande

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Ben Affleck

Ben Shapiro

Bill Gates

Billie Eilish

Cardi B


Conor Mcgregor

DJ Khaled

Default (female)

Default (male)

Demi Lovato

Donald Trump

Dr Phil



Ellen Degeneres

Elon Musk

Emma Watson

Greta Thunberg


Hillary Clinton

Jason Alexander

Jay Z

Jerry Seinfeld

Joe Biden

Joe Rogan

John Cena

Jordan Peterson

Justin Trudeau

Kamala Harris

Kanye West


Kevin Hart

Kim Kardashian

Lex Fridman

Mark Zuckerberg

Martin Shkreli

Master Chief

Matt Damon

Matthew Mcconaughey

Morgan Freeman


Patrick Stewart

Peter Griffin


Price Harry

Rainbow Dash

Rober Downey Jr

Sam Altman

Samuel Jackson

Scarlett Johansson

Snoop Dogg


Taylor Swift

The Rock


Tucker Carlson

Will Smith

Last updated