💲Setting up tipping

Increase your revenue by allowing your audience to tip you directly through KickBot. Integrate tips with our AI TTS system, GIFs, and on screen widget!

Once logged into your KickBot account, navigate to the "Tipping" page on the KickBot dashboard. By default, it will open the Payout Setting tab where you can set up a Stripe account with us to get paid.

Select your country

Click "Get Started" and select the country where you or your business are legally established. At the moment, we support over 100 countries.

Stripe account setup

You will now be redirected to setup your Stripe account. We use Stripe to facilitate secure and fast transactions. They are a leading payment processor used by companies like Uber, DoorDash, Kick, and many more. Simply follow the prompts and you will be redirect back to KickBot once complete.

This process will vary depending on your country, but in most cases you will need to enter your personal details, phone number, email address, and payout account.

If you have any questions or run into any issues during this process, please do not hesitate to contact us on Discord or at [email protected].

Payment page configuration

On the "Payment Page" tab you can configure over a dozen settings related to the payment page and tips.

  • Tip Page URL: The URL of the page that viewers can tip you at. With Premium, you can customize this URL.

  • Tipping Enabled: Enable or disable the creation of new tips. If tipping is disabled, any tips in the current queue will still be played.

  • Test Mode: Create test tips without actually charging money. This is helpful to get familiar with the system and to ensure your widget is configured properly.

  • Suggested Amount: The default prefilled tip amount.

  • Minimum Amount: The minimum amount a viewer must tip.

  • Maximum Amount: The maximum amount a user can tip. This cannot be more than $500.

  • Preset Amounts: Prefilled tip amount buttons a viewer can tip.

  • Custom Message: A short message that will display next to your username and profile picture.

  • TTS Voices: Select which TTS voices viewers can leave tips with. With Premium, you gain access to over 500 AI voices.

  • GIFs Enabled: Allow viewers to send a GIF with their tip.

  • Read Username & Tip Amount: Decide if the username and tip amount should be read by the TTS. Ex: "henryk89 has tipped $5... (tip_message)"

  • Banner Image: Upload a custom banner image that is shown at the top of your tip page. 4:1 aspect ratio required.

Widget configuration

The "Widget" tab is where you can enable and customize the on screen tip widget. When enabled, you can show the tip message, tipper, amount, and GIF. The browser source URL on the top of the page is what plays the tip audio and displays the preview (if enabled).

The browser source URL found on this page must be open for tips to be processed

Tip Queue

The tip queue allows you or your mods to preview and manage incoming tips.

Quick Actions

  • Tipping Enabled: Enable or disable the creation of new tips. If tipping is disabled, any tips in the queue will still be played.

  • Queue Mode: If set to "Auto" tips will be automatically approved as soon as they are created. If set to "Manual" you or your mods will need to manually approve each tip before it can be read on stream

  • Queue Delay: The amount of seconds to wait in between each tip.


  • Tip preview: View the amount, TTS voice, tipper username, and message of each tip. If a tip looks vulgar, malicious, or otherwise unwanted, you may want to reject the tip.

  • Actions: Approve or reject each tip. If a tip is rejected while being played it will immediately be stopped.

  • Play/Pause: Play or pause the playback of tips. This does not effect the creation of new tips, but can be used to temporarily pause playback. Tips must be played within 15 minutes of being created or they will expire.

  • Clear Queue: Remove all tips from the queue.

When a user creates a tip we create a pending charge that is not captured until the tip is played on stream. If a tip is approved, you receive the money as soon as the tip starts to play. If a tip is rejected, you do not receive any money unless you rejected it while being played.

You must have the tipping widget open in order for tips to be processed. If it does not say "Connected to widget", tips will not be processed.


View your pending balance, total balance, amount of tips received, and all of your past tips.

  • Pending Balance: To help prevent fraud, you must wait 7 days after a tip is received before it is added to your balance and available to be paid out.

  • Total Balance: The total balance available in your account that has not been paid out, including your pending balance. This also displays the date of the next payout which around the 15th of every month.

  • Tips Received: The amount of tips you have received over the past 7 days, past 30 days, and all time.

In the table below your stats you can filter and review all tips you have received. Clicking on a tip will show more information about it.

In the "Action" section of each tip you have the option to replay or refund a tip. In the event of a refund the tipper will be refunded the whole amount from your current balance. We do reverse our 6% platform fee, but unfortunately the 2.9% + $0.30 fee collected by the card network cannot be reversed so this will be paid out from your balance.

Payout Settings

Here you can mange your Stripe account. Typically this does not need to be edited unless your personal information changes or you need to update your connected bank account. If you need to perform a larger change, such as switching to a business profile, contact us and we can help out.

Last updated